Privacy Policy

Applies to the Mintly Invoice app for iOS™ and Android™
2021 April 3

We take the privacy of your data really seriously and we acknowledge that you own it and you will continue to do so while using the Mintly Invoice app.

We put a lot of effort in collecting as little data from you as possible. We don't use any third party tracking tools, we don't use any ad platforms, social media or other third parties meant to track your behaviour. Also, we don't use any analytics and don't record the way you are using the app because we think you would probably consider that information too intimate to share with us. We don't use any cookies in the app or any similar technology used to track your behaviour.

We’ll never sell your personal info to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission.

We will not share your data with third parties unless it is essential to keep our service running and we will take all the reasonable steps in order to keep it safe.

We do need to use third parties to make everything work smoothly and we do need to share some of your data with them. But we will not share more than it is necessary, we will make it transparent to you who these parties are, exactly what we are sharing with them and we are putting a lot of effort into keeping these cases to a minimum as well as select reputable providers with excellent privacy policies.

What we collect


We need a way to identify you, something that is unique to you and differentiates you from our other users. We chose to use your email address for that purpose. We will keep your email address for as long as you have an account with us and we will use it for logging you in the Mintly Invoice application, for recovering your account if you sign out and wish to sign back into the app and, in rare cases, to communicate with you regarding important issues around your account (e.g. security issues). We may also use it to send you notifications about important changes regarding the functioning of the Mintly Invoice app.

We are not going to send any sales and marketing messages to your email address or messages other than those described above.

IP address & logs

We keep logs of the server-side activity generated by your usage of the app. We use these logs to investigate potential bugs and security issues. The logs may contain your IP address and some information about the actions you are taking from within the app, but will not contain the data that you create of view in the Mintly Invoice app.

The rest of your data

The rest of your data is the data that you create using the Mintly Invoice app. We intend to keep this data private so that only you can access it. We may need, in rare occasions, to look at some parts of your data in order to fix bugs or security issues, but we won't task third parties to do that on our behalf. If we need to look at your data in a comprehensive way, we'll be in touch with you.

Your data is encrypted at rest in order to make it very much harder for intruders to gain access to it.

We will not give permission to third parties to access your data, unless it is a legal requirement or we have your explicit permission.

You are in control of your data and you can create it, update it and remove it using the Mintly Invoice app. Once data is removed by you using the app, we will not keep copies of it. Backups represent an exception to this. We do need to keep backups of your data to prevent its loss in cases of data corruption or loss. However, we won't keep backups for longer than 30 calendar days, so that guarantees that data that you remove will be removed completely no later than 30 days.

Third parties

Email provider

In order to be able to send you emails, which is essential for your signing up and signing into the app, we need to use an email provider.

In order to send you an email, we need to share your email address with our email provider and also send them the contents of the email so that they can deliver it to you. We won't share further data about you with the email provider and we are doing our best to keep the emails succinct and include only the information essential in order for you to be able to complete your task.

Currently, we are using Google Mail as the email provider. Their privacy policy can be found here:

Please note that if you choose to contact us by email, the same email provider is used by us to receive your email.

Cloud provider

We host our application backend service (which include a database) in the cloud, which is standard industry practice. This means that all your data will actually be hosted in the cloud, not at the premises of our business.

We currently use Google Cloud Platform, which is a most reputable cloud services provider. You can read more about GCP privacy here:

Your data is hosted in the UK region within the cloud services provider and it is therefore protected by the UK legislation which further guarantees your rights.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may make changes to this privacy policy from time to time, so you may need to check back once in a while. The privacy policy will contain a log of previous changes so that you would know what may have changed over time.
